Friday, February 26, 2010

#IC2010 is over. Thanks everyone! Let the drinking begin @The Parker @7pm PT. Breakfast and tram ride @8am Saturday leaving Parker lobby
#IC2010 7 Contexts for Service System Design - white paper, Bob Glushko
#IC2010 Information creators must design for 'appropriate' and 'consistent' intelligent - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 Intelligent content creates value in services by allowing easier organization, manipulation and info exchange - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 Smart content needs to be filtered early, based on standards, aggregated and communicated to others - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 Making smart content involves adding metadata for organization, search, retrieval - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 The solution is to make content intelligent; use tools, standards, etc. to raise the IQ of the content significantly - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 Non model-related challenges: Anonymity, bogus identities, customers trying to hide their content (deleting cookies) - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 Information challenges: structural, semantic, syntactic problems must be overcome to provide info-based services - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 Value creation is more complex (in service systems) than in single person-to-person interactions - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 There's no need for consumers to provide location and context information the service provider can obtain elsewhere - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 Location-based contextual services adapts the content/service based on location - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 Backstage hidden computational events that transform and combine content to provide services - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 What information moves between channels is a key challenge in merging online with brick-and-mortar locations - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 It's not the user interaction that drives the experience, it's the information that drives the user interaction - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 Hidden computational services are interchangable with customer-facing 'touch points' - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 Substituting information for interaction; we don't need high intensity interaction if stored info makes it unnecessary - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 Wine Snob iPhone app would be an example of customer-improvised service - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 Technology-enhanced person-to-person services 1) assisted; 2) facilitated; 3) customer-improvised - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 The Technology-Infusion Continuum: Person-to-person, self-service, technology-enhanced person-to-person - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 We can build complex services in controlled aways (when we use the 'building block' approach)- Bob Glushko
#IC2010 Service systems should be built from 'building blocks' so they can focus on solving the problems- Bob Glushko
#IC2010 "There are seven contexts for service systems" - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 "We need to simplify the description of service systems to be able to provide prescriptive design guidance" - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 "'Service Systems' are what we are designing" - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 "Treating services abstractly emphasizes what they have in common rather than how they differ" - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 "The experience is where the quality (of the information management) is revealed" - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 "The value in a service is created/co-created by the interactions and info interchanges between providers/consumers" - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 "Now, services are part of a experience intensive to information intensive continuum" - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 "Service used to be everything that wasn't farming or manufacturing" - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 "I wish I had a dollar for every book Scott Abel sold for me. Actually, I do have a dollar for every book he sold" - Bob Glushko
#IC2010 Bob Glushko is first up; his book "Document Engineering" should be required reading for ALL content pros

Thursday, February 25, 2010

#IC2010 “In order not to cannibalize tweets, we made a schedule indicating which people would cover wish sessions” Kelley Myers, Microsoft
[TechComm] STCers should be paying attention to the tweets from #IC2010
#IC2010 Kelley Myers, Global Site Manager, Microsoft Advertising - overseeing event microsite creation
#IC2010 "Social Mash-up: Community + Content" - Kelley Myers, Global Site Manager, Microsoft Advertising
#IC2010 "The best you give them (authors) is a template, then you leave them on their own (to create content)" - Michael Boses, Quark
#IC2010 "Most documents are unstructured, unintelligent MS Office documents" - Michael Boses, Quark
#IC2010 "Stop using all the different templates and agree on one common one" - Michael Boses, Quark
#IC2010 "Harmonization takes longer than anything else" - Michael Boses, Quark
#IC2010 "DITA is really about enterprise architecture" - Michael Boses, Quark
#IC2010 "Users aren’t interested in the technology; they don’t want or need to know it exists" - Michael Boses, Quark
#IC2010 "More products fail due to complexity than to a lack of features" - Michael Boses, Quark
#IC2010 "Learning a lot about users means we have to learn a lot about ourselves" - Michael Boses, Quark
#IC2010 "We ask ourselves ‘When will users adopt our technology?’ Answer? When it’s better than what they have today" - Michael Boses, Quark
#IC2010 "We have a tendency to absolutely forget about the user" - Michael Boses, Quark
#IC2010 "It’s time for narrative business documents to become smarter as well" - Michael Boses, Quark #stc
#IC2010 "Documents as we know them today have outlived their usefulness" - Michael Boses, Quark #stc
#IC2010 "We’re creating more textual communication in any other time in history. But, is any of it intelligent?" - Michael Boses, Quark
#IC2010 "Enterprise processes and Intelligent content: Case Studies in Architecture and Usability" - Michael Boses, Quark
#IC2010 "Why does everything have to start with a document?" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft #dita
#IC2010 "If you create unstructured content and you realize you made a mistake, how will you find the content?" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft
#IC2010 "’Without a DITA map it’s not DITA’, DITA purists may say. Perhaps, but it’s still intelligent content" - Gabor Fari Microsoft #dita
#IC2010 "What if we could easily find existing topics while writing and reuse them with a single click" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft #dita
#IC2010 "The Intelligent Content Framework (ICF) is DITA with an enterprise metadata model" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft #dita
#IC2010 "It’s not enough to write a topic and know how it gets published" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft #dita
#IC2010 "I need to know a lot more about topic than what DITA gives me" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft #dita
#IC2010 "DITA is not enough; we need to apply additional rich metadata to every single component" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft #dita
#IC2010 "It lacks industry-specific rich metadata and taxonomy" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft #dita
#IC2010 "I still don’t think DITA is intelligent content; I think it’s semi-intelligent - Gabor Fari, Microsoft #dita
#IC2010 "The beauty if DITA is it is flexible and you can handle legacy content...using hybrid approach" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft #dita
#IC2010 "DITA is a very elegant design - it’s an information models; folders in cabinets are not info models" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft #dita
#IC2010 "DITA is great for many reasons, but the most important thing is it is 100% metadata-driven" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft #dita
#IC2010 "You need a federated metadata model that is separate from the content and can be updated easily" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft
#IC2010 "Taxonomy tools that are embedded do not work" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft
#IC2010 "People spend 9-10 hours a week, on average, just looking for information" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft
#IC2010 "Search engines will not solve the problems; search with out metadata is incomplete" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft
#IC2010 "Every single document exists on average of 18 different times" (according to Cohassett Associates survey) - Gabor Fari, Microsoft
#IC2010 "Metadata management is a huge, huge problem" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft
#IC2010 "Information chaos cannot be solved without solving the metadata problem" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft
#IC2010 "It is not a document management problem, but a process and information management problem" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft
#IC2010 "Stop thinking of documents...there's no intelligence there" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft
#IC2010 "Content management is not looked upon as a strategic imperative, but a costly compliance burden" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft
#IC2010 "We have digital tools but we're working like it was a Medeivil guild, mindlessly copying & pasting content" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft
#IC2010 "A document is an information snap-shot -- but product information continuously evolves" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft
#IC2010 "We spend 12 years taking structured content and turn it into unstructured content" (says a pharma exec) - Gabor Fari, Microsoft
#IC2010 "The end game of the pharmaceutical industry is to publish the drug application and get it approved" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft
#IC2010 "We're not going to get to intelligent content without evolutionary steps" - Gabor Fari, Microsoft
#IC2010 Keynote presenter, Gabor Fari, Microsoft giving kudos to Ann Rockley, Robert Glushko and Joe Gollner for thought leadership
Experts in Intelligent Content, XML, content management solutions --> The Rockley Group (producers of #IC2010)
Experts in Intelligent Content, XML, content management solutions --> The Rockley Group
@AnnRockley is opening the Intelligent Content 2010 conference in Palm Springs #IC2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

[Parody] Font lovers check this Lady Gaga parody, "Neutra Face"
[Publishing] RT @Aptara Content is a service, not a product. For consumers, less a thing they buy, more an experience
[Poll] Are you a Mac or a PC?
[Publishing] Free Webinar - Secrets of the Trade: How to Move to Digital-First Content Production, March 11, 2pm EST
[Publishing] RT @Aptara Trade eBook sales $19,100,000 for Dec 09, 119.7% increase over Dec 08 ($8,700,000)
[Notable Quotable] "When a company owns a piece of the consumer's mind, it never has to change it products" - Warren Buffett
[TechComm] 12% men / 7% women failed to plug computer in or turn it on before calling support, report says
[TechComm] 64% men / 24% women don't read manual w/computer before calling support, report says
[Publishing] RT @Aptara takes tomorrow's students through a typical school day with only one notebook: their iPad.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

[Presentations] Susan Harkins provides tips on reusing PowerPoint slides
[Photo Challenge] Cafes around the World:
[Music] DJ Scott Abel The Audio Wrangler works rock-n-roll into this dance mix
[TechComm] To select vertical block of text in Word put cursor @ beginning of text, hold down [Alt] key, drag mouse to select block you want
RT @Aptara Flash, HTML5, and Mobile Apps: A "web-centric handheld world" vs. a "proprietary app centric universe"
[TechComm] Poll: Which Office 2007 application would you love to downgrade to 2003?
RT @Aptara Panasonic Toughbook H1 Field tablet targets maintenance workers, law enforcement and field sales personnel
[Computing] Re­search­ers re­port­ they've passed ma­jor hur­dle in quest to cre­ate the quan­tum com­put­er
[Information Society] Excessive Internet use linked to depression

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

[Marketing] Ann Rockley on Successful Global Content Management, February 18, 1pm EST, 10am PST, 6pm GST
[TechComm] Incorporating Interactive 3D into Documentation
[eBooks] Adam from Notion Ink: Another touch screen tablet device
[eBooks] "Welcome to class. Take your new tablet— your only textbook this semester— out of your backpack."
[Mobile Devices] Google and HTC Working On a Chrome OS Tablet
[Software] Join me at WorldWare 2010: The ROI of Software Internationalization, March 16-18, Santa Clara, CA
[Digital Content] comScore 09 U.S. Digital Year in Review; documents trends of past year and implications for future
[Webinar] This Thursday "Usability and CMS: Why are only parts of modern CMSes being utilized?" with Joern Bodemann
[Webinar] This Thursday "Planning for Global Content Management: Ten Steps to Success" with Ann Rockley Register today!
[Webinar] Thursday March 11: Moving to Digital-First Content Production: How Intelligent Content is Changing Publishing

Monday, February 15, 2010

[Humor] The funniest iPad-bashing video around: "Hitler Responds to the iPad"
[Music] Download "Thunderstruck Right Now So Save Me" by DJ Scott Abel, The Audio Wrangler (#13 on mashup charts today)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

[WordPress] @tomjohnson It happened again. Alas, I wish we could find the vulnerability.

Friday, February 12, 2010

[Information Visualization/Intelligent Content] Take a peek at; great content presentation, useful mashup
[TechComm] STC France Content Strategy Forum, Paris, April 15-16 Great line-up of presenters and topics.
[Content Management] 15% of organizations have no content management system at all in place, survey says
[Content Management] Commercial Content Management Systems In Use Today In Half Of All Organizations, Survey Says

Thursday, February 11, 2010

[TechComm] The Making of a Mashup Compilation: Aurally Volume 1 - by DJ Scott Abel, The Audio Wrangler

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

[#SDLI10] Tim Young, Cisco - They have to wait to localize content until they align new products they've acquired
[#SDLI10] James Ingalsbe, VMware - the way Silicon Valley culture operates presents challenges to localizing for multiple audiences
[#SDLI10] James Ingalsbe, VMware pointed out that software is coded right up to last minute which makes it problematic to localize
[#SDLI10] "The software development culture has to change" (in order to improve localization) - James Ingalsbe, VMware
[#SDLI10] "The linga franca for NetApp is English. We try to use the same flavor of English, with varying success" - Catherine Lyman, NetApp
[#SDLI10] "We talked about outsourcing writing to China...might have them write in Chinese & translate to English" - Catherine Lyman, NetApp
[#SDLI10] Panelists are discussing the differences between English as a base language versus other languages for source content
[#SDLI10] Next session: 10:30am PST "Supporting Global Markets with DITA: VMware’s Path To DITA and Component Content Management"
[#SDLI10] "We assess localization based on both actual/projected help determine where to put resources" James Ingalsbe, VMware
[#SDLI10] "We've been forced to look at our language set in tiers. We do 15 languages on regular basis" - James Ingalsbe, VMware
[#SDLI10] "We are now localizing our foundational data (forms, documents, systems) for regulatory compliance in country" - Tim Young, Cisco
[#SDLI10] Catherine Lyman, NetApp says they looked @ internal talent they could groom for new roles; not every current writer is a candidate
[#SDLI10] Catherine Lyman, NetApp made it clear that technical writers need to have new & different skills in order to write modular content
[#SDLI10] "You just don't sit (a tech writer down) and let them start writing (when you move to DITA)" - Catherine Lyman, NetApp
[#SDLI10] "You'll find people who start thinking more about the architecture others who think about the tools" - Catherine Lyman, NetApp
[#SDLI10] "We identify people (tech writers) who are interested and naturally-inclined to be product architects" - Catherine Lyman, NetApp
[#SDLI10] "There's a new set of work tasks that emerge as you move (tech writers) into structured world" - Catherine Lyman, NetApp
[#SDLI10] "For us, content reuse and getting in position to localize in the future (were the DITA drivers)" - Catherine Lyman, NetApp
[#SDLI10] "The way we create material has changed significantly after we moved to DITA and structured content" - Catherine Lyman, NetApp
[#SDLI10] "We don't stress out when there's a change...because we can see where content is in our process" - James Ingalsbe, VMware
[#SDLI10] "Our web team is constantly being barraged with change requests coming through." - James Ingalsbe, VMware
[#SDLI10] "Change is a constant...we build it into the plan. We add time to the end of the project." - James Ingalsbe, VMware
[#SDLI10] "Writers can whip up new deliverables (at the last minute) ... made possible by XML and DITA" - Catherine Lyman, NetApp
[#SDLI10] "Last minute changes are a part of our lives. We try to enforce the change order process.But it's hit or miss. - Catherine Lyman
[#SDLI10] Acquisitions/mergers present new -- and often unplanned for -- delays in getting content localized & into parent company's format
[#SDLI10] Panel is discussing how challenging it is to handle localizing and branding new products obtained as part of an acquisition/merger
[#SDLI10] "It would be good if you were to get involved with the acquisition process so you'll know what's coming"- Catherine Lyman, NetApp
[#SDLI10] Cisco has localization challenges that are often caused by the company acquiring companies; they are trying to fix this- Tim Young
[#SDLI10] "Everyone is so stop and plan and just really a huge change" James Ingalsbe, VMware
[#SDLI10] It might be better to do a better job at localizing perhaps at the expense of some new product features - Tim Young, Cisco
[#SDLI10] "We're struggling a's all different. We've got to do a much better job at that (localization process)" Tim Young, Cisco
[#SDLI10] "Decisions are made about what to localize. Some are internationalized, but not localized" James Ingalsbe, VMware
[#SDLI10] Panelists say content reuse, improved productivity, fewer $ spent, ability to do more with fewer resources are key drivers
[#SDLI10] Panelists have different approaches to measuring old vs new approach; they all agree they have to show to management the savings
[#SDLI10] The panel is discussing how to get metrics on the old/current way so they can show how much they improved w/new approach
[#SDLI10] "Have a consistent rhythm to the information you release to your stakeholders" Tim Young, Cisco
[#SDLI10] "Be free with your kudos and critiques of your vendors; share with vendor management team" James Ingalsbe, VMware
[#SDLI10] "Give regular updates and regular pats on the back to those involved" James Ingalsbe, VMware
[#SDLI10] "You want to share the visibility with the whole project team and executives on the progress of project" James Ingalsbe, VMware
[#SDLI10] "Rely on others who have done it before you have a good understanding of what is needed." James Ingalsbe, VMware
[#SDLI10] "The key thing w/ adopting new technologies is to get buy-in from other departments, external partners..." James Ingalsbe, VMware
[#SDLI10] Opening panel SDL Innovate - James Ingalsbe, VMware; Tim Young, Cisco; Catherine Lyman, NetApp - panel lead by Andrew Thomas
[Localization] Gallup uses SDL to translate and localize surveys/reports into 58 languages, and to design electronic/paper-based docs
[#SDLI10] "We're experiencing up to 30% increase in efficiency based on centralized translation memory, content reuse"
[TechComm] Video: Translating Microsoft Word documents with SDL Desktop Translator #SDLI10
[TechComm] Avaya uses DITA in global information management strategy, publishing content into 35 languages #SDLI10
[#SDLI10] Last session - 3 hr DITA Workshop: "Everything You Wanted (and Didn’t Want) to Know About Making the Move to DITA"
[#SDLI10] This afternoon: "Transformations in WCM: Optimizing the Online Channel"
[#SDLI10] Later this morning: "Supporting Global Markets with DITA: VMware’s Path To DITA and Component Content Management"
[#SDLI10] Day 2 SDL Innovate Conference coverage begins 30 min w/ "Best Practices for Implementing Global Information Management Solutions"

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

[#SDLI10] "There's quite a lot to consider before adopting a machine translation system" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "Our clients are seeing 50% increase time-to-market with integrated machine translation" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "We see a continued move to cloud computing and crowd-sourcing" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] Persuasive Content Life Cycle: very cool end-to-end solution described by Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "We're seeing tremendous traction with DITA and XML in tech doc arena; content reuse is key benefit" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "All technical documentation will be in XML within the next ten years" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "Structured content technologies - structured content will move more online" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "I love Amazon 'cause you never go away empty-handed; you're enticed to buy things that add value" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "Web content management manages global multi-channel marketing and customer service" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "Brand management is critically important to success in global product marketing" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "Not everyone is going to speak English; language is a national identity for some" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "Our revenue from translation stayed the same from 2008-09, but we're translating many more words" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "Buyers are 3 times more likely to buy from a known brand, but 40% will buy localized product" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "90% of HP customers buy based on interacting with content, not the product" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "The real benefit of content management is faster time-to-market" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "What C-Levels are interested in -- surprise, surprise -- is increaed profit" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "Global customer satisfaction and revenues from new markets are driving globalizing products" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "All of this support information will need to be global" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "Automobile user manuals will be no more; the info you'll need will be displayed on a screen" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "Manuals are going to be less-and-less included w/ products; you'll get info on mobile device or web" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "You can get enormous amount of information on products you want to buy" (from social networks) Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "Now we are doing a step-by-step integration all of these technologies together" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "We have the technology needed to be a leader in the technical documentation content management space" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "In 2007 we realized that technical documentation was going to be organized around topics (DITA)" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "It's all about how we create our content; we can speed up the process of creating global content" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "Once we acquired Trados we had serious momentum" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "In 2005, we acquired Trados, clear market leader in translation memory technology" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "One of the best lessons of my life was learning I was just a mere mortal" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL, said of dot-com burst
[#SDLI10] "If you're not speaking in the local language, it's not particularly global" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "1999, we identified language as the key driver for the web" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "In 1998 we identified the need for technology to manage translation supply chain" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "We created the first side-by-sde translation memory in 1997" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "In 1992, I identified that companies will need language technology in order to trade globally" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "I started off life in engineering, that was my first mistake" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "It takes 20 years or so to make a technology successful" Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] "Innovation is many, many small steps. If you want to be successful you have to keep at it." Mark Lancaster, Founder SDL
[#SDLI10] Mark Lancaster, Founder and Chairman of SDL opens the event
[#SDLI10] Upper management @SDL are soliciting ideas from customers at the conference center - They've set up a table just for that. Smart!
[#SDLI10] The official tag for SDL Innovate 2010 is #SDLI10; use and search for #SDLI2010 to follow along
[#SDLI10] All SDL divisions are represented at SDL Innovate 2010; 300 attendees are caffeinated and ready for the keynote to begin
[TechComm] Big focus on DITA and component content management at SDL Innovate 2010 #SDLI10
[#SDLI10] Line-up of presenters at SDL Innovate including folks from Linkedin, Cisco, RIM, Continental Airlines
[TechComm] Automated translation for tech docs - Can it deliver what it promises? #SDLI10
[Localization] Packed house at SDL Innovate 2010. Get updates throughout the day by following #SDLI10; agenda here:
[#SDLI10] Getting ready for the keynote and opening presentations at SDL Innovate 2010
[Blogging] 8 reasons why negative comments are good for your blog

Monday, February 8, 2010

[#SDLI10] SDL offers global content authoring, content management, translation memory, and translation management tools
[#SDLI10] Gilbane’s Content Globalization Heat Map: 5 Key Investments for 2010, Mary Laplante, VP Client Services, Gilbane Group
[#SDLI10] Opening session- SDL Innovation: Global Content Management & Collaboration
Leveraging Market Opportunity, Mark Lancaster, CEO, SDL
[Localization, Translation, Content Management] Getting ready for SDL Innovate 2010 Conference:

Sunday, February 7, 2010

[Mashup] Listen, download and vote for my mashup mix: Tina Turner, Agnes and Michael Jackson
[Mashup] Listen, download and vote for my mashup mix: Nirvana, Michael Jackson, The Police, Coldplay, Thin White Duke
[Mashup] Listen, download and vote for my mashup mix: Rick Astley, Black Eyed Peas, 30 Seconds to Mars
[Mashup] Listen, download and vote for my mashup mix: Janet Jackson, Joni Mitchell, Filter and an unknown vocalist

Friday, February 5, 2010

[XML] Conversion Myths Debunked: How Much Would It Really Cost to Convert Your Documents?
[Machine Translation] Here is a brief update of some of the better known open MT systems
[Localization] SOLD OUT! SDL Innovate, February 9-10, 2010, Santa Clara, CA #SDLI10
[Localization] Hope to see you at SDL Innovate, February 9-10, 2010, Santa Clara, CA
[Content Convergence] Content Fusion; or, There's a Piece of Data Lodged in my Document (slide deck by @JoeGollner)
[Language] The last speaker of one of the world’s oldest languages has died aged 85 in India’s Andaman Islands
[Content Management] E.ON to standardize 60 internet sites & 60 intranets, including SAP portal integration w/e-Spirit
[Content] Opening video used at the 2009 Mark Logic User Conference. Amazing! [please RT, it's worth it] #mluc10
[Content] Mark Logic User Conference 2010, May 4-6; keynote Chris Anderson, Editor-in-Chief of Wired Magazine (#mluc10)
[Call for Presenters] A few more days are left to submit your proposals for Mark Logic User Conference 2010
[Twitter] Hot Twitter name Searches in 2010…So Far - Barack, Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson and Pat Robertson??
[Interview] Microsoft’s Gabor Fari on Intelligent Content: Saving Lives By Helping New Drugs Get To Market Faster #xml

Thursday, February 4, 2010

[Software] WorldWare 2010: The ROI of Software Internationalization, March 16-18, Santa Clara, CA
[Social Networking] 83,698 positive votes for Twitter (I love Twitter because so many people hate it)
[Publishing] Now, Everyone is a Publisher w/ Scott Abel starts in 10 minutes, 1pm PST/4pm EST
[Communication] Witty writers for hire
[Localization] Focus on Asia - Localization Business Innovation Tokyo, Japan
April 14-16, 2010
[TechComm] Now Everyone Is A Publisher! Are You Ready For The Change? (free webinar) w/Scott Abel at 1pm PST
[Digital Asset Management] The Vendor Landscape – Tools and Technologies free webinar, today at 2pm EST
[Translation] "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" - very good approach at using YouTube to explain a topic and promote a biz
[TechComm] BreezyFAQ helps you develop FAQs for product website that are (no big surprise) NOT based on frequency
[TechComm] WYSIWYG XML Editor Serna Enterprise
[Content Standards] CMIS enables info to be shared across repositories from different vendors; Public review ends 2/12

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

RT @Lionbridge Nine issues you'll face with Decentralized Translation #liox #xl8
RT @KathleenBostick: Join our upcoming webinar on Global Megatrends #l10n, #liox
[Publishing] iPad: What Does It Really Mean for Content Publishers?
[TechComm] Successful Global Content Management (free webinar) w/Ann Rockley Feb 18
[Localization] International Search Summit will be co-located w/ Localization World in Berlin, June 6 (pre-conference)
RT @startranslation: Keynote Speakers announced for WorldWare Conference: March 16-18 Santa Clara, California
[Social Media] America's Dumbest Facebook and Twitter Users
[Publishing] Check out this on-demand publishing demo; publishing is changing rapidly
[Publishing and TechComm] What is a Unified Content Strategy?
[Localization] Successful Global Content Management (free webinar) February 18, 1:00pm EST w/Ann Rockley/Joern Bodemann
[Social Networks and Marketing] No SuperBowl for Pepsi; Instead the Pepsi Refresh Project
[Social Networks and Marketing] Monitor your brand on Twitter; See what's happening — right now.
[Social Networking] How do you handle being smacked down, called out or criticized in a real-time web environment?
[Social Networking] myYearbook: Building A Social Network In A Facebook And Twitter World

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

[Jobs] Technical Consultant (WCM) needed in San Jose, CA - John Maydeck, 408-448-5353
[TechComm] "Now, Everyone is a Publisher! Are You Ready For The Change?" w/ Scott Abel, Feb 4, 1pm EST (free webinar)
[Publishing] Marking Up The Fab Four: Just Imagine What XML Could Do For Your Books
[Publishing] Reimagining the Book Publishing World With XML
[Localization] Free conference, February 9-10, 2010, Santa Clara, CA - SDL Innovate!

Monday, February 1, 2010

[iPad] Websites need to be built for multi-touch interaction; good news for out of work web/interaction designers
[iPad] Top and side navigation will not be needed on iPad (it's based on mouse interaction), neither will hover-states
[iPad] New interaction design practices are needed for iPad; UX and UI rules must change
[iPad] iPad-friendly pages: fluid layouts that adjust to rotation
[Texting] With some exceptions, wireless customers are paying about 1 penny per text message
[Texting] 12 and under kids send 1,146 messages/month, 4 messages per waking hour they are not at school
[Texting] US teens use 3,146 text messages/month, 10+ texts every hour they are not sleeping or in school [Nielsen]
[Social Networkimg] Facebook & Nielsen Launch BrandLift in UK to help marketers measure advertising effectiveness
[Localization] Localization Project Management Certification Program, March 25-26, 2010
[Localization] Localization Certification Program
March 22-24, 2010
[Quotes] "Anything designers do provides content. Every bit of info put before a public is informed by design decisions" - Jouke Kleerebezem
[Publishing] Web fonts you can embed in eBooks
RT @XBRLspy XBRL iPhone app that enables share XBRL tagged filings linked directly to the SEC source documents & embed anywhere on web
[Web Content Conference] Got a sexy presentation up your sleeve? I've got two speaking slots open. Let me know.
[Information Visualization] Artist Chris Jordan helps us understand almost unimaginable statistics #ted
[Information Visualization/TechComm] A graphic representation of cross-references in the Bible
[Publishing] Book shelves provide us w/ rare glimpse of an individual's bibliographic DNA and
[Crowd-Sourcing Translation] Become a TED Open Translation Project translator
[Translation] TED Open Translation Project: help translate subtitles, interactive transcripts, TED talks
[TechComm] RT @idtp DITA 1.2: Improved glossary and terminology handling #DITA
[TechComm] API Writing - As Technical As Technical Writing Gets: /via @technicalwriter
RT @juliov27612 Where are we really with DITA? #dita #xml
[TechComm] RT @techcommdood: Documentation is key.
[TechComm] RT @rjacquez eSeminar: Benefits of Adobe #FrameMaker for MS Word Users --
[Quote] "When I look at my bookshelves, I see my life." - William Drenttel
[TechComm] Recent Poynter study indicates people read an average of 15% more of a story online than in print
[TechComm] In order to determine if web content is important, you've got to click on it -- more clicking = less skimming
[TechComm/e-Learning] Study confirms human brains can't hold more than 7 numbers at a time; then emotion kicks in
[eBooks] How to use your iPhone/iPod Touch as an eBook reader
[Publishing] Preparing Images For eBook Projects (PIFEP)
[Social Media] Webinars
[Software as a Service] Microsoft Office Online
[Robotics] A wide variety of robots from Hanson Robotics -- very cool!
[Robotics] Albert Einstein robot - wow! Amazing...
[Robotics] Zeno - an amazing robot that you may be surprised exists and only costs $299
[Quote] "Writing should be about something beyond your own self. In order to write well, you have to be a curious person" Audrey Niffenegger
[Localization] I'm attending SDL Innovate in Santa Clara, CA Feb 9-10. It's free! Join me.
[Travel] Interesting travel blog for those stuck at the airport
[Writing] Enter the WikiNews 2010 Writing Competition
[XML Publishing] The Best Reason for Re-Engineering Book Publishing – the Need for XML
[Social Networking] Google is #3 "business" mentioned on Twitter in analysis of 100 million tweets from past 2 weeks
[Social Networking] Facebook is #2 "business" mentioned on Twitter in analysis of 100 million tweets from past 2 weeks
[Social Networking] YouTube is #1 "business" mentioned on Twitter in analysis of 100 million tweets from past 2 weeks
[Social Networking] iTunes is #1 "thing" talked about on Twitter in analysis of 100 million tweets from past 2 weeks
[Content Management] SharePoint: 'Forcing It To Fit' Is An Expensive And Painful Experience
[TechComm] NLDITA 2010 - June 3-4, Utrecht, The Netherlands
[DITA] Free "DITA 101: Fundamentals for Authors and Managers" available if you'll write a review on Amazon. Contact
[TechComm] DITA Challenges Survey available
[Localization] Lionbridge localizing Microsoft Windows 7/Office 14 into 35 target languages; 10 targeted to Africa
[iPad] Sign up to be alerted when iPad jackets, stands, sleeves and more are available
[Publishing] The Typewriter Museum
[Location Aware Augmented Reality] Mobile augmented reality web browser that provides experiences not possible on a map
[Publishing] Why Bigger Is Better: The iPad And The Arc of Computing
[DAM] Digital Asset Management Conference and Exhibition (DAM) on February 17th & 18th, 2010
[Publishing] The Typewriter Museum
[TechComm] US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Technical Writers [Now what about Technical Communicators?]
[TechComm] STC Efforts Realized as U.S. Government Acknowledges Technical Writers as Distinct Profession
[Web Design] Cool approach to introducing a new website from a web design shop